What Every Purchasing Professional Ought To Know About World Class Purchasing, Getting Lowest Total Cost & Gaining The Competitive Advantage!

We are known worldwide for our revolutionary purchasing training, strategies and tactics and is going completely change your purchasing process by bringing you a paradigm shift that will CATAPULT your purchasing results, career and income potential, GUARANTEED!

With this purchasing training, you’re going to learn shocking secrets of how to:


Stop using the antiquated, narrow approach of just focusing on supplier price and profit reductions to generate your cost savings. This purchasing training will show you a much better way to achieve this that will blow your cost savings targets out of the water and make you a hero.


Stop chasing down rogue internal customers that strike deals with suppliers, disclose budgets, and pre-cook deals before passing them onto purchasing as an emergency order. purchasing training will eliminate almost all of that.


Stop spinning your wheels by even caring about the supply base size. That’s right, this is a HUGE mistake that needs to be reversed immediately. With this purchasing training you’ll learn what you should be focusing on instead.


Stop being responsible for negotiating contracts AND placing time consuming and highly administrative purchase orders. There IS a way out with this purchasing training!


Stop saving contract Ts and Cs for last and letting supplier’s mark up your contract terms. All of this is avoidable with our Purchasing Training Courses!


Stop doing what’s not working. Stop being marginalized. Stop accepting mediocrity. Our purchasing training courses will change your game!


Follow a proven methodology to establish yourself and the purchasing function as a value added profit center to the organization.


Achieve new levels of Total Cost savings, competitive superiority and success while gaining control over your career and income trajectory with our purchasing training courses.


Procurement categorisation and vendor management of indirect materials and services (commonly referred to as Indirect procurement) are typically the most popular outsourced activity.
Procurement categorisation and vendor management of indirect materials and services (commonly referred to as Indirect procurement) are typically the most popular outsourced activity.

Who Will Benefit From Supply Management Training
The training will be of interest to anyone seeking knowledge of supply management at an introductory level:


Junior buyers, purchasing assistants, production planners, warehouse clerks, material handlers, logistics administrators, inventory co-ordinators as well as associates, analysts and specialists.


Individuals who work outside of the supply management field but have some procurement, logistics, transportation or operations responsibilities


Those with supervisory/management responsibility seeking basic knowledge of their direct reports’ supply management functional areas.


Procurement senior executives and anyone who influences an organization’s procurement decision.